BUILD Your Vision in The
Depot District
Downtown Moberly Community
Improvement District

Moberly's Depot District is an entrepreneur's dream. It’s the perfect mix of opportunity and vision to build your dream business. We have dedicated tens of thousands of dollars in this community investment district over the next 20 years. These funds are designated to help new businesses get started and thrive. We are actively improving infrastructure and ramping up our marketing to make this historic downtown district even more attractive than it already is to visitors and investors alike. It is the perfect balance of historic artistry, low cost of entry, and investment opportunity. We have a great mix of business already active in the depot district including residential development, retail, restaurant, tech and professional corporations in the Depot District. Market research indicates there are key business areas that have room for growth, just waiting for your business to start taking advantage of these opportunities. Moberly is the regional retail and entertainment hub for 10s of thousands of consumers, with tremendous potential. This website is full of plans, incentives, and vision. Look around and get inspired, or get in touch with one of our business experts to begin the dream business you’ve always wanted. The Depot District is your next stop for your dream.
The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks."" - Mark Zuckerberg
Economic Development
Incentive Programs
Entrepreneurial Homesteading

The City of Moberly owns a number of buildings within the Depot District that are waiting for the right entrepreneur with an innovative business plan that will move the Depot District to the next levels of lifestyle development. Imagine taking your idea from concept to reality with City provided subsidies and then once agreed to performance levels have been achieved, the building becomes yours. Homesteading in the 21st century. Rather than build a cabin in Alaska and work the land, you build a business and through sweat equity, determination and tenacity, you not only establish your business, but you own real estate. A dream? No a huge opportunity to get ahead. Call, Text, Email, Skype us…lets talk.
''An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down.'' - Reid Hoffman
Things are Happening...
Downtown Moberly Community Improvement District
The concept for the downtown District is very simple: Establish a lifestyle area with a focus on exceptional retail, culinary experiences and diverse cultural attractions that attracts downtown businesses, residents and visitors. Delivering a small town community persona within the context of big city amenities that is safe, affordable and open minded. Sounds perfect? We are painting the picture now at the ground level. It is rather rare that one can be a part of a start up concept that builds upon what is important to people today and in the future. Tell us your dreams.